Saturday 13 September 2008

Edinburgh last weekend - Volleyball this weekend

Well, we spent last weekend in Edinburgh with Steph.
The weather was very poor so the Helicopter flights we've (more me really ;-) been looking forward to was postponed so we'll do that in October now. None the less it was great to spend time with Steph around family and nipping around the town.
Work was fast-paced this week with lots of different activities to take care of and next week is much the same although I am giving some training on Wednesday, which will be the most exciting for me personally.
Today I'm off to play volleyball with some friends in Prague. It'll be fun and who knows what we'll end up doing tonight. Tennis tomorrow with Maureen.
Tennille is off to Munich tomorrow so I'll be on my own until Wednesday night when Anna & Rob arrive in from Thailand to stay for a week, followed by Tennille coming home on Friday and Candice & chris flying in for the weekend.
Next weekend should be fun too but I'm looking forward to the rest of this one first!

Monday 1 September 2008

Hover Crafting

Well, this weekend saw us Hover Crafting near Kostelec nad Labem in the Czech Republic.
We'd never been before so we were interested to know what it would be like and whether it would be thrilling. It turned outo be pretty fun - not perhaps as exhilerating as I had thought it may be - but fun none the less.
The Hover Crafts are petrol based; an engine turning the fans that create the air that fills the inner tubes. It's pretty physical as you have to use your body weight to accelerate & turn the crafts.
It was a fun hour on a beautiful sunny day.
p.s. I think I upset Jan when i careered off the main area over a road into a ploughed field - oh, well, no damage done!