Thursday 5 March 2009


We have just finished a superb 3 day trip to the Southern Pantanal that brought us much closer to a variety of hawks, storks, camen and the beautiful ocelot - now nicknamed barney
The 3 days were action packed with a boat trip on arrival, horse riding, canoeing, night safari and a day safari. The Pantanal Wetlands are home to a magnificent array of birds as well as jaguars, ocelot and caiman - a member of the croc family
The boat trip also enabled us to fish for piranha, which was great fun
The horse riding was cool with a close up visit from an ant eater and the canoeing allowed us to get eye to eye with a caiman - tennille being closer at the front of the canoe
The night safari was hot and humid however we were lucky to spot a young ocelot - small cat - in a tree that made the night thoroughly worthwhile
The food at faz San francisco was fantastic and I filled up on the beef
We are now in Bonito for 3 days before we head to the falls
We cycled 14k today and swam with fish - more snorkelling tommorrow
Both having the best time!!

1 comment:

Aibek D. said...

Put some photos, Stephen!